<aside> 👋 Hi, welcome to my garden. / 嗨,欢迎来到我的院子。


About Me / 关于我

<aside> 👩 Born in 1999 in Chongqing, China. INFJ. I treat my life as a journey of connecting the dots. The experiences, ups and downs, struggles and triumphs - they are all meaningful dots that may someday be connected for me to understand myself and the world better. / 1999 年在中国重庆出生。INFJ。我把自己的人生视作连接意义的旅程。所有的体验、起起伏伏、挣扎和顶峰或许在某天都会自然地联系起来让我更好地理解自己和这个世界。

My dominant traits / 我的典型特征:

**- Appreciation of beauty / 对美的欣赏

Three things I cannot live without: water, books and a yoga mat. / 三件我无法离开的事物:水,书和瑜伽垫。


Here is some more basic info about me if you are keen / 如果你感兴趣的话,以下是关于我的更多基本信息:

My Typical Resume / 我的简历

My Creation / 我创造的

Stuff Created by Me / 我创造的东西

Say Hello / 打声招呼

I am always open to new ideas, new collaboration opportunities and life adventures. If what I create resonates with you, welcome to contact me at / 我始终对新的想法,新的合作机会和人生探索有着很大的兴趣和热情。如果我所创造的与你产生了共鸣,欢迎来联系我: